~~ Rejected Gospels ~~

~~ Rejected Gospels ~~

Several gospels exist outside of the canonized ones Christians are most familiar with. The Gospel of Judas portrays a different relationship between Jesus and Judas than the one Christians are routinely taught. The Gospel of Peter places the responsibility of Jesus' crucifixion on Herod Antipas instead of Pontius Pilate. The pseudepigraphical Gospel of James (c. ~145) asserts the perpetuity of Mary's virginity not only prior to, but during and after Jesus' birth. My favorite however is the Infancy Gospel of Thomas, rejected by religious authorities, which tells remarkable stories about Jesus as a child. No texts exist to tell us anything about Jesus as a child which makes this particularly interesting. Apparently Jesus made some clay birds one day and then brought them to life. He forced another child's body to become a corpse by cursing him. Another child accidentally bumped into Jesus so Jesus cursed him and he fell dead. When the neighbors complained, Jesus blinded them. Some of his miracles included creating a huge meal from just a single grain, resurrecting various people, and stretching a beam of wood to help his father finish a construction project. Jesus seemed to be a very interesting little boy!